
Camila Abe

PhD Student JDP

I'm interested in hydrology, and in the interactions between natural and human drivers on water availability and quality.

Danial Alizadeh

PhD Student

4829 Ellison Hall
My research interests lie at the intersection of Urban-Human Mobility Analytics, Transportation Geography, Movement Analysis and Modeling and Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI)

Jean Allen

PhD Student

4817 Ellison Hall
I'm interested in multidisciplinary approaches to remote sensing, especially fire, and helping people live safely and happily in a changing climate.

Md Shadman Amin

MA/PhD Student

4815 Ellison Hall
My research focuses on utilizing remote sensing techniques to identify ecohydrological stress indicators across water-stressed dryland landscapes. I am interested in understanding how climate change induced stress regimes affect plant adaptability and species composition change in these ecosystems.

Sophia Arabadjis

PhD Student

5712 Ellison Hall
Population health in geography, health and environmental exposures, wearable technology insights, applied statistics.

Ryoko Araki

PhD Student JDP

Hydrology, rainfall-runoff process, soil moisture dynamics, floods & droughts, land-use & climate change.

Asikunnaby Asikunnaby

PhD Student JDP

5841 Ellison Hall
I want to understand how heat waves impact farmers' health and agricultural production

Ettore Asoni

PhD Student JDP

5815 Ellison Hall
Immigration detention in Europe and the United States.

Carlos Baez

PhD Student

5724 Ellison Hall
I develop spatiotemporal models for planning and managing urban systems.

Jiwon Baik

MA/PhD Student

5722 Ellison Hall
Operations research / spatial optimization, spatial modeling, GIS, machine learning and applied statistics.

Ian Baxter

PhD Student

4710 Ellison Hall
I study the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Renee Begin

MA/PhD Student

5803 Ellison Hall
My research is centered on the application of remote sensing techniques to investigate the effects of drought on different tree species within both natural and urban forest environments.

Justin Bissell

PhD Student JDP

I study the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Tom Brazda

PhD Student JDP

5835 Ellison Hall
My research will focus on the spatial distributions and residential decisions of queer parents and how they create a sense of place in new environments.

Ricky Brokaw

PhD Student IGPMS

5835 Ellison Hall
Investigating water mass sources and transport of materials to kelp forests.

Ren Cao

PhD Student JDP

I study the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Luke Carberry

PhD Student IGPMS

5838 Ellison Hall
Phytoplankton biophysics across time and space scales.

Silvana Castillo Guerra

PhD Student

4815 Ellison Hall
My research focus is susceptibility to landslides triggered by rainfall in wildfire settings. Interested in climate change, landslide susceptibility and hazard, data analysis, remote sensing

Brianna Chan

MA/PhD Student

5815 Ellison Hall
Population health, health equity and access, environmental justice, human-environment interactions

Yuyan Che

PhD Student

4806 Ellison Hall
I enjoy investigating social practical issues through spatial data. Additionally, I am interested in exploring geographical information gathering, especially in developing regions, and spatial approaches to analyze impacts on residential areas.

Jiahua Chen

MA/PhD Student

4806 Ellison Hall
My research interests lie in sustainable urban system with a special focus on active transportation. Currently I am working with multiple bikeability score and bike safety datasets, trying to understand how we can contribute to a safer and more equitable urban biking environment by leveraging big data.

Seonga Cho

PhD Student

5721 Ellison Hall
Geographic Information Science; Spatial Optimization; Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis; Urban Dynamics.

Donald Colley III

PhD Student JDP

I study the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Debsmita Das

PhD Student

4809 Ellison Hall
Sediment transport in river channels.

Kristofer Daum

MA/PhD Student

4817 Ellison Hall
In my research in the Trugman Lab at UCSB's Geography Department, I seek to explore the ways in which changing climatic baselines, evolving land use patterns, and altered disturbance regimes affect landscape resilience in complex coupled human-natural systems.

Marian De Orla-Barile

MA/PhD Student

4708 Ellison Hall
I am planning to study extratropical weather and cyclones as they relate to sea surface temperatures.

Amy Dixon

MA/PhD Student

5805 Ellison Hall
Investigating the impact of climate change on vegetation phenology and plant health in the urban and natural environment using remote sensing

Michelle Dubreuil

PhD Student JDP

Immigration, migration, belonging and identity themes in North America.

Vanessa Echeverri Figueroa

PhD Student

5716 Ellison Hall
Regional optimization models for identifying patches for wildfire treatment.

Nathalie Eegholm

PhD Student IGPMS

5843 Ellison Hall
I am studying giant kelp populations in the Santa Barbara Channel with a models and remote sensing data.

Dami Oludamilola Eyelade

PhD Student

5704 Ellison Hall
I study the evolution of flood risks with increasing urbanization using methods from cartography and remote sensing.

Kristina Fauss

MA/PhD Student

5838 Ellison Hall
Wildfire Ecology and Management, Wildfire Spread and Fuels Matrix, Risk Analysis, Human Response to Disaster.

Dan Grafton

PhD Student JDP

Environmental geography, feminist glaciologies, Antarctica, GIS, and environmental philosophy.

Rachel Green

PhD Student

5817 Ellison Hall
My research focuses on understanding predictability of vegetation health across dryland ecosystems and how drought impacts agriculture, food security, and human displacement.

Evan Greenberg

PhD Student

4812 Ellison Hall
Fluvial geomorphology and sedimentology.

Madison Heffentrager

PhD Student

5833 Ellison Hall
Coastal Geomorphology, Sediment Movement within Beach and Dune Systems, Erosion, GIS, TLS

Lily Heidger

MA/PhD Student

4806 Ellison Hall
Sustainable, equitable urban design and using geospatial data to identify disparities in access to safe active transportation.

Thomas Hervey

PhD Student

3512 Phelps Hall
I study the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Jin Huang

PhD Student JDP

I am interested in applying spatial data analysis to social science problems.

Gabrielle Husted

MA/PhD Student

5714 Ellison Hall
Population Health and Environment, Health Geography, Demography, Biodemography.

Sofia Kaloper

MA/PhD Student

5723 Ellison Hall
Sofia is interested in the social determinants of health, spatial analysis, spatial statistics and location based health interventions.

Dong-Hyun Kim

PhD Student JDP

Hydrologic modeling.

Jesse Landesman

MA/PhD Student

5807 Ellison Hall
I'm interested in soil as a solution to climate change and how different land management strategies can affect biogeochemical cycling.

HsinJu Li

PhD Student

5805 Ellison Hall
Remote sensing, forest ecology, climate change

Zhe Li

PhD Student IGPMS

4710 Ellison Hall
Research interests include large scale atmosphere - ocean interaction, polar climate variability, ocean heat content, and its interaction with biosphere.

Caitlyn Linehan

PhD Student

4806 Ellison Hall
My research utilizes spatial sciences to study walkability and green space access in urban areas, as well as equity of that access.

Yifei Liu

PhD Student

4835 Ellison Hall
My research focuses on the impact of human interference and land-use change on the movement behavior of tigers and leopards in Thailand, assisted with spatial data science and spatiotemporal modelling.

Lívia Machado Costa

PhD Student

5831 Ellison Hall
Designing sustainable and equitable climate policy solutions to address deforestation in tropical forests, utilizing supply chains as a tool to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Evan Margiotta

MA/PhD Student

4815 Ellison Hall
I use data from earth system models, fieldwork, and remote sensing to study disturbance, succession, and land cover change.

Narjes Mathlouthi

PhD Student

5829 Ellison Hall
Using Machine learning, remote sensing, and socioeconomic data to enhance food security in Africa.

Conor McMahon

PhD Student

3611 Ellison Hall
I apply remote sensing technologies (chiefly aerial LiDAR and multispectral satellite imagery) to surveys of vegetation.

Katie McMahon

MA/PhD Student

5817 Ellison Hall
Climate change, food & water security, social vulnerability, health & environment.

Chelsie McWhorter

PhD Student

5829 Ellison Hall
Cognitive & behavioral geography, firefighter navigation, fire service culture & training practices, the cultural landscape, health geography, geographic education.

Corrie Monteverde

PhD Student JDP

I study climate and atmospheric processes, focusing specifically on regional climate modeling, applied climatology, and climate change impacts.

Bryn Morgan

PhD Student

5834 Ellison Hall
Bryn is a Ph.D. student in the Caylor Lab. Her research focuses on ecohydrological dynamics of dryland rivers, and UAV-based remote sensing.

Reza Mortaheb

PhD Student

5722 Ellison Hall
Urban Simulation | Spatial Data Science | Spatial Optimization

Ye Mu

PhD Student

4707 Ellison Hall
I study the atmospheric systems and climatic modes on the variability of climate extremes. Research interests are climate extremes, precipitation, land-atmosphere feedbacks, hydrologic processes and geostatistical analysis.

Dana Myers

PhD Student IGPMS

5842 Ellison Hall
Coastal physical oceanography; remote sensing; estuary flux measurements

Evgeny Noi

PhD Student

5721 Ellison Hall
I am a quantitative geographer doing research on locational theory pertaining to urban environment.

Michael Nowicki

PhD Student IGPMS

5837 Ellison Hall
Inverse modeling using data assimilation methods for improving estimates of ocean carbon export and sequestration.

Ayodeji Olatunde

MA/PhD Student

4706 Ellison Hall
I am particularly interested in understanding the behavior of extreme weather and climate conditions such as flood and drought, as they influence food production in Tropics and Mediterranean region.

Samuel Orndorff

PhD Student JDP

I'm interested in different conceptions of the environment, specifically the tensions between environmental policy and Indigenous geographies. I also research how social movements assert land rights and environmental justice.

Jaehee Park

PhD Student JDP

Big Data, Social media data analysis, Spatial social networks, and Place effects on health.

Sarah Payne

PhD Student

3611 Ellison Hall
Remote sensing of phenology, drought, and landscape resilience.

Rex Peacock

PhD Student JDP

4837 Ellison Hall
My research combines remote sensing and data analytics to understand restoration ecology on retired agricultural land.

Aneika Perez

PhD Student JDP

Environmental Justice, GIS, Human geography, Air Pollution, Population Health

Amelia Pludow

PhD Student

5716 Ellison Hall
Demography of wildfire risk; location modeling, spatial analysis & optimization, GIScience.

Farrah Powell

PhD Student JDP

I study the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Huck Rees

PhD Student

4812 Ellison Hall
Fluvial ecogeomorphology, sediment and carbon cycling, stream restoration.

Sean Reid

MA/PhD Student

5712 Ellison Hall
My current research is focused on migration characteristics of men who have sex with men in the United States.

Darlene Rini

PhD Student

5721 Ellison Hall
Multi-scale wildfire risk mitigation planning and implementation; holistic, community-driven disaster risk resiliency planning; GIS; fire engineering; spatial statistics and optimization; performance of structures and critical infrastructure to extreme fire loads

Nelmary Rodríguez Sepúlveda

PhD Student

5703 Ellison Hall
Geodetic controls on climate-change-induced drought conditions in the Central American Dry Corridor and their impacts on human migration patterns.

Trevor Romich

PhD Student

5807 Ellison Hall
I study the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Jacob Rowlett

PhD Student JDP

I study the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Clare Saiki

PhD Student

3611 Ellison Hall
Hyperspectral and LiDAR remote sensing applications for fire ecology to investigate the impact of heterogeneous fire fuel characterizations on consumption and source emissions estimates.

Mary Salami

MA/PhD Student

4829 Ellison Hall
Geospatial Artificial Intelligence, Human Mobility, Spatial Information Retrieval and Deep Learning

Hui Shi

PhD Student

3625D Ellison Hall
I study of the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Germán Silva

PhD Student

5803 Ellison Hall
Coastal Wetland Ecology, Wetland Soil Salinity and Biogeochemistry, Landscape Response to Environmental Change, Wetland Restoration and Monitoring, Equitable Data Use, Reproducible Data Science

Dylan Skrah

PhD Student JDP

5841 Ellison Hall
I study segregation in school systems. I am interested in the processes of residential and school segregation and how these dynamics feed into each other. My research is about the use of spatial data analytics to investigate how segregation impacts students and cities.

Jordan Snyder

PhD Student IGPMS

5829 Ellison Hall
Remote sensing-based flux measurements of terrestrial materials in the inner shelf. Method development to infer water movement throughout the water column using low-altitude aerial vehicles.

Ryan Solgi

MA/PhD Student

5704 Ellison Hall
Optimization and machine learning and its application in hydroinformatics.

Ruiming Song

PhD Student IGPMS

5835 Ellison Hall
Air Sea Carbon Flux

Michaela Sten

PhD Student IGPMS

5843 Ellison Hall
Networking of open ocean phytoplankton communities.

Rongxiang Su

PhD Student

3625 Ellison Hall
My research is focused on understanding human mobility patterns, travel behavior, and urban dynamics using spatiotemporal analytics, statistical models, discrete choice modeling, and machine learning techniques.

Robert Thacker

PhD Student

5703 Ellison Hall
Hydrology, groundwater hydrology, sedimentary processes of alluvial groundwater basins

Nikita Tournebise

PhD Student

5839 Ellison Hall
I am working on the Ocean Circulation Inverse Model (OCIM) in the DeVries lab, currently looking at air-sea gas exchange rates.

My-Thu Tran

PhD Student JDP

3611 Ellison Hal
I am interested in Applied GIS, Remote Sensing, Drone Mapping, Social-Ecological Systems, Spatial Analysis and Modelling, Cartography and Geovisualization

Pratyush Tripathy

PhD Student

5831 Ellison Hall
My doctoral research focuses on investigating the impacts of extreme weather events on agriculture, and human and economic development in India using spatial data science, machine learning and econometrics.

William Turner

PhD Student

4707 Ellison Hall
William's interests encompass the use of remotely sensed climate data (precipitation and evapotranspiration) to monitor crop-water demands and drought-related food insecurity in rainfed agricultural areas, particularly in eastern and southern Africa.

Cecily Tye

PhD Student IGPMS

5838 Ellison Hall
I study coastal mixing, fronts and upper ocean turbulence; in particular how these features affect biogeochemical cycling and air-sea exchange.

Sigrid Van Den Abbeele

MA/PhD Student

5714 Ellison Hall
Population health, health geography, economic geography, demography.

Kevin Varga

MA/PhD Student

4709 Ellison Hall
I currently map, model, and find ways to mitigate wildfire danger, including studying fire weather, behavior, and fuels.

Esaú Casimiro Vieyra

MA/PhD Student

5815 Ellison Hall
Immigration, migration, policy, push and pull factors, immigrant integration, spatial data.

Zijian Wan

PhD Student

4835 Ellison Hall
My research focuses on understanding movement behaviors of animals and humans, and their interactions with the environment, using machine learning/deep learning, spatial data science, and spatiotemporal modelling.

Zhangyu Wang

PhD Student

4829 Ellison Hall
GIScience, Geospatial Analysis, Machine Learning/Deep Learning.

Em Waters

PhD Student

5833 Ellison Hall
Coastal morphology, Sea level rise related hazards, InSAR remote sensing, Tectonics and geodesy

Krista West

PhD Student JDP
Research Fellow

I use remote sensing technologies and imagery to learn more about landscapes at risk of wildland fire.

Jian Xu

PhD Student JDP

I study the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Kana Yamamoto

PhD Student IGPMS

Ellison 5837
Synthesizing satellite ocean-color data, field measurements, and computer models to understand the biogeochemical cycle of CDOM.

Xue Yan

PhD Student

1714 Ellison Hall
I'm interested in integrating field investigation, remote sensing, geospatial analysis, and modeling tools to promote invasive species control and biodiversity conservation.

Wenxin Yang

PhD Student

1714 Ellison Hall
Wenxin Yang is a PhD student working on landscape ecology and biodiversity conservation. Her research interests are leveraging geospatial analytics for biodiversity conservation and open spatial data science.

Haiyun Ye

PhD Student

1717 Ellison Hall
I study the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Yanni Zhan

PhD Student

3611E Ellison Hall
I study the interaction between people and their environments, and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political, and physical processes and their relationships.

Huijie Zhang

PhD Student JDP

Remote sensing image processing and analysis, spatial data analysis.

Feifei Zhao

MA/PhD Student

4809 Ellison Hall
My research focuses primarily on fluvial geomorphology and how flood variability impacts river morphology and bar kinematics.

Zhongqi Zheng

MA/PhD Student

5715 Ellison Hall
Social vulnerability assessment, GIS

Enbo Zhou

PhD Student

5715 Ellison Hall
Geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI), big data analytics, remote sensing, and spatial optimization.