
Daniella Alaso

Associate Specialist

4717 Ellison Hall
My position will be making scientific and scholarly contributions to CHC’s research efforts, including the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), while helping to expand recognition of the Center’s achievements, data sets, and services within the professional and scientific community.

Timothy Baxter

Postdoctoral Scholar

4841 Ellison Hall
As a biogeomorphologist, Dr. Baxter is interested in understanding how plants and animals help shape landforms and landscapes. Dr. Baxter's previous research has explored biophysical processes on natural rock and artificial structures (including heritage assets) in coastal environments as well as the socio-cultural implications of these interactions and feedbacks. Currently, Dr. Baxter is working on a project led by Dr. Ian Walker (Geography, UCSB) and co-PI's Jenny Dugan (Marine Science Institute, UCSB), and Laura Engeman (UCSD, SIO) to study how coastal dune restoration could be used as a nature-based solution to enhance the resilience of California’s beaches to climate change.

Diyang Cui

Postdoctoral Scholar

1717 Ellison Hall
Diyang Cui is a postdoc working with Dr. Amy Frazier. She is involved in the NSF-funded project BioFI: Biodiversity Forecasting Initiative to Understand Population, Community and Ecosystem Function under Climate Change. She is interested in global change biology, conservation biogeography, and remote sensing. Her research involves using climate and species data and integrating geospatial analyses and modeling tools, to understand and predict biodiversity patterns and inform conservation under climate change.

Kitty Currier

Postdoctoral Researcher

I help connect research in GIScience and knowledge graphs with real-world applications in the KnowWhereGraph project.

Barnali Das

Postdoctoral Scholar

4724 Ellison Hall
Barnali works with satellite-derived biophysical parameters like Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) for crop yield prediction in Sub-Saharan Africa. Her work also encompasses how these biophysical variables can predict crop disease and pest-like locusts' impact on crop yield.

Frank Davenport

Research Scientist

4722 Ellison Hall
The intersections of climate, food systems, food security, and human health.

Chris Funk

Director, Climate Hazards Center

4716 Ellison Hall
Chris develops data sets and analyses that help us cope with climate change and extremes.

Laura Harrison

Specialist and Operations Analyst

4720 Ellison Hall
Analysis of climate data, forecasts, and remotely sensed and modeled agroclimatic data to support early warning for food insecurity.

Jordan Hastings

Project Scientist

I am an analytic cartographer, with special interests in gazetteers, topographical and geological maps. What is the first thing people recognize on a map? Text. What kind of map downplays text the most? Geological.

Corbin Hodges

Postdoctoral Researcher

Ellison Hall 5833
Corbin Hodges is broadly interested in researching the causes of poverty and ways in which to sustainably improve human well-being and conducts his research in two distinct populations.

Greg Husak


4715 Ellison Hall
Analysis of precipitation, NDVI, and other agroclimatic indicators to identify food insecurity in developing countries.

Markus Kattenbeck

Visiting Post-Doc Scholar

I'm interested in understanding & modeling the behavioral correlates of pedestrian wayfinders based on their spatial familiarity.

Christopher Kibler

Postdoctoral Researcher

4843 Ellison Hall
My research combines remote sensing and field ecology to study how vegetation responds to disturbance and degradation at a landscape scale.

Martin Landsfeld

Academic Specialist

4714 Ellison Hall
Famine Early Warning

James Marston

Assistant Project Scientist

Spatial Cognition, Blind Navigation Assistive Devises for Travel, Accessibility Parameters and Enhancements Multi-sensory Interfaces.

Marc Mayes

Associate Specialist Researcher

5836 Ellison Hall
My research addresses forest and savanna ecosystem responses to and recovery from disturbances such as drought, wildfire, and long-term land use.

Niall Newsham

Postdoctoral Scholar

4839 Ellison Hall
My research applies spatiotemporal methods to study demographic dynamics, with a focus on population decline, low fertility and migration trends

Seth Peterson

Associate Specialist

4723 Ellison Hall
My training is in Remote Sensing, applied to fire science in chaparral. I've also looked at oil spills, thermal IR data, and currently I'm studying crop area of subsistence farms in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Gregory Quetin

Assistant Project Scientist

4843 Ellison Hall
I study how the interactions of the biosphere and the climate shape the future of carbon, water, and energy in the Earth System.

Majid Sadeghi

Research Affiliate

Ellison Hall 3610
I work in the field of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) for stormwater management (operations and practices) that protect, restore, or mimic the natural water cycle.

Shraddhanand Shukla


4721 Ellison Hall
Shrad is a large-scale hydrologist with expertise in drought monitoring, and seasonal scale climate and drought forecasting. His research focuses on improving drought monitoring and early warning capabilities.

Matthew Snidal

Postdoctoral Scholar

5844 Ellison
I research how our interpretation of school discipline experiences shifts our understanding of inequality in schools

Daniela Soleri

Research Scientist

Quantitative, participatory research investigating knowledge systems in small scale agriculture, and collaboration with formal science.

Lei Song

Postdoctoral Scholar

1717 Ellison Hall
I study species conservation and human-wildlife relations using remote sensing, GIS, and statistical modeling.