Technical Support

Geography Computing Services provides technology support to the Geography Department at UCSB. We work with Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students, and Researchers to promote the best uses of information technologies in support of all our departmental goals.

Geography Computing Services tries hard to be a "can do" shop and provides a wide range of services including network connections, email accounts, various web services, storage services, research and HPC computing resources and facilities all in a shared environment designed to facilitate collaboration and foster research. The Geography Compute Team works closely with other departments and campus groups to develop appropriate technology goals and budgets.

Geography Computing Services serves as your contact point for all of your IT questions and needs so please don't hesitate to reach out to us for anything you might need or have questions.

Technical Financial Aid

All currently enrolled graduate and undergraduate students with financial need are encouraged to reach out to the Technology Support Program if you need access to a reliable and working computer or wifi.  Loaners, free Chromebooks, and larger technology grants are available.  Grants are usually allocated to students for whom a Chromebook would not meet their academic years.


Technical support and general inquiries.


Director of Computing