Alumni Job Data

First Position for Doctoral Recipients Class of 2019-2020.
Job Title | Year | Employer | Location | Advisor(s) |
Scientific Director | 2023 | Center for Neighborhood Engaged Research & Science | Illinois | Murray |
Assistant Professor | 2022 | Northwest Missouri State University | Missouri | Nara (SDSU) |
Climate Risk Data Scientist | 2022 | ClimateCheck | United Kingdon | Sweeney |
Postdoctoral Researcher | 2022 | UC San Diego | California | Carvalho |
Postdoctoral Scholar | 2022 | Sierra Nevada Research Institute, UC Merced | California | Lopez-Carr |
Research Analyst | 2022 | SDSU Research Analyst | California | Stow (SDSU) & Siegel |
Research and Development Scientist | 2022 | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | California | Goulias |
Research Data Scientist | 2022 | Meta | California | Goulias |
Weather Data Analyst | 2022 | Bayer Crop Science | California | Jones |
Assistant Professor | 2021 | CSU Sacramento | California | Aitken (SDSU) |
Assistant Professor | 2021 | The University of Georgia | Georgia | Janowicz |
Data Scientist | 2021 | Ursa Space Systems | Utah | McFadden |
Energy and Environment Policy Fellow | 2021 | PowerHouse Texas | Texas | Janowicz |
Physical Scientist | 2021 | National Weather Service | Maryland | Carvalho |
Research & Development (R&D) Scientist | 2021 | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency | Virginia | Caylor |
Research Scientist | 2021 | The University of Arizona | Arizona | Clarke and Keller |
Research Scientist | 2021 | Carbon Mapper | California | Roberts |
Social Sciences Research Specialist | 2021 | Ohio Department of Public Safety | Ohio | Montello |
Assistant Instructional Professor in Geographic Information Science | 2020 | University of Chicago and the Center for Spatial Data Science, Geographic Information Science | Chicago | Montello |
Assistant Professor | 2020 | Palomar College | San Diego | Levine (SDSU) & Lopez-Carr |
Data scientist | 2020 | E Source | Colorado | Stow (SDSU) |
Faculty Research Fellow Inter-university Consortium | 2020 | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Political and Social Research (ICPSR) | Michigan | Kuhn |
Machine Learning Engineer | 2020 | Development Seed | Washington, DC | Caylor |
Postdoctoral Appointee/Researcher | 2020 | Argonne National Lab | Illinois | Carvalho |
Postdoctoral Research Scientist | 2020 | Columbia University, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), the Earth Institute | New York | Caylor |
Postdoctoral Researcher | 2020 | Arizona State University, Center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science | Arizona | An (SDSU) |
Postdoctoral Scholar | 2020 | Portland State University, Digital City Testbed Center | Oregon | Roberts & Davis |
Transport Analyst | 2020 | Associated Ready Mix Concrete, Inc, | California | Loaiciga |
Assistant Professor | 2019 | University of Oklahoma, Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability | Oklahoma | Murray |
Associate Program Officer | 2019 | Water Science and Technology Board at the National Academy of Sciences | Washington, DC | Chadwick |
Director of Research and Analytics | 2019 | New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and New York City Department of Education, Office of School Health, Office of School Health | New York | Sweeney |
Land System Assistant Scientist | 2019 | Moore Center for Science at Conservation International | Virginia | Roberts |
Machine Learning Engineer | 2019 | California | Janowicz | |
Post Doctoral Researcher | 2019 | National Institute for Space Research (INPE) | Brazil | Clarke |
Post-doctoral scholar | 2019 | UCSB | California | Sweeney |
Post-doctoral scholar | 2019 | Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota | Minnesota | Sweeney |
Postdoctoral Research Scholar | 2019 | Florida Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering | Florida | Stow (SDSU) |
Postdoctoral Researcher | 2019 | UC Davis, Plugin-Hybrid and Electric Vehicles lab | California | Goulias |
Postdoctoral Researcher | 2019 | UC Davis | California | Chadwick |
Visiting Assistant Professor in GIScience | 2019 | University of New Mexico | New Mexico | Clarke |
Assistant Professor | 2018 | Brown University | Rhode Island | Lopez-Carr & Kyriakidis |
Assistant Professor | 2018 | University of Iowa, Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences | Iowa | Roberts |
Associate Professor of GIS | 2018 | Colorado Mountain College, GIS | Leadville, Colorado | Jankowski (SDSU) |
Coordinator of Marine Conservation Programs | 2018 | Biosphere Foundation | NW Bali | Clarke |
Deep Learning Software Engineer | 2018 | FLIR | Canada | Roberts |
GIS Manager | 2018 | California Department of Conservation in Sacramento | California | Stow (SDSU) |
Lecturer | 2018 | UCSB, Environmental Studies | California | Dunne |
Lecturer | 2018 | University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Department of Geosciences | Massachusetts | Jankowski (SDSU) |
Lecturer | 2018 | Cal State LA | California | Biggs (SDSU) |
Policy & Communications Organizer | 2018 | NYC Environmental Justice Alliance | New York | Sweeney |
Postdoctoral Research Associate | 2018 | The University of Georgia | Georgia | Sweeney |
Project Manager- Carbon Offsets and GHG Reductions | 2018 | Environmental Commodities Corporation (ECC) | Colorado | Montello |
Research Science Specialist | 2018 | McKinsey & Company | Colorado | Roberts |
Scientist | 2018 | Southern California Coastal Water Research Project | California | Biggs (SDSU) |
Senior Spectroscopic Data Scientist | 2018 | Kairos Aerospace | California | Mcfadden |
Post Doctoral Researcher | 2017 | McGill University in Montréal | Canada | Carvalho |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | 2017 | University of Oxford, School of Geography and the Environment (SoGE) | England | Carvalho |
Professor | 2017 | Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Environmental Engineering Department | Peru | Carvalho |
Project Specialist | 2017 | East West Center | Honolulu, Hawaii | Lopez-Carr |
Remote Sensing Specialist III | 2017 | Consolidated Safety Services, Inc. | Virginia | Stow (SDSU) |
Research Scientist | 2017 | Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education | St Louis, Missouri | Clarke |
Assistant Professor | 2015 | McGill University, Geographical Sciences | Maryland | Janowicz |
Environmental Engineer | 2015 | Department of Public Works, LA Sanitation, Watershed Protection | California | Loaiciga |
Postdoctoral Researcher | 2015 | University of California, Berkley, Enivornmental Science, Policy, and Management | California | King |
Research Technologist | 2015 | NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Jet Propulsion Laboratory | California | Roberts |
Lecturer | 2014 | CSU Channel Islands, Environmental Science & Resource Management | California | Chadwick |
Lecturer | 2014 | California State University, Long Beach, Geography | California | Bosco (SDSU) |
Owner/President | 2014 | Arogi, Cofound of Geospatial AI startup | California | Church |
Postdoctoral Fellow | 2014 | University of Washington, Atmospheric Science | Washington | Tague |
Postdoctoral Fellow | 2014 | UC Santa Cruz, Environmental Studies | California | Still |
Postdoctoral Fellow | 2014 | University of Santa Barabara, Geography | California | Church |
Researcher Scientist | 2014 | University of Santa Barabara, Geography/ Climate Hazard Group | California | Michaelsen |
Software Developer | 2014 | hiQ Labs, Software Engineering | California | Rey (SDSU) |