
Arcimboldo books  

Selected Publications

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Image: Il Bibliotecario/The Librarian, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, 1566. Public domain, Wikimedia





Soleri, D.; Castillo Cisneros, M. del C.; Aragón Cuevas, F.; Cleveland, D.A. 2023, in press. Maize cuisine on the move in the 21st century. Persistence and migration of tejate, a traditional Mesoamerican maize and cacao beverage. In Mesquite Pods to Mezcal: 10,000 Years of Oaxacan Cuisines, Pérez Rodríguez, V.; Morell-Hart, S.; King, S., editors. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press.

Soleri, D.; Cleveland,  D.A.; Aragón Cuevas, F.; Jimenez, V.; Wang, M.C. 2023. Globalization, traditional beverages, migration, and public and planetary health: the case of tejate, a traditional Oaxacan maize and cacao beverage in Oaxacalifornia. Challenges 14(1):9. DOI:10.3390/challe14010009. ARTICLE ON LINE.

Soleri, D, Cleveland, D.A., Smith, S.E. 2022. Food gardens for sustainable diets. In Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Diets, K. Kevany, P. Prosperi, editors. Routledge.

Soleri, D., Aragón Cuevas, F, Castro García, H., Cleveland, D.A., Smith, S.E. 2022. The household context of in situ conservation in a center of crop diversity: Self-reported practices and perceptions of maize and Phaseolus bean farmers in Oaxaca, Mexico. Sustainability 14 (12), 7148. DOI: Available free online at journal site, or article PDF here; Supplementary Material; complete data set on Dryad, DOI:10.25349/D9SC9W.

Soleri, D, Newburn, R, Kleinman, N, Johnson,MK, Kesterson, H, Wrenn, NP (2022) Changing soft adaptation limits, seed by seed. (Soleri wrote the introduction) Invited contribution, Branch online journal, special issue, Open Climate, Fall 2022.

Soleri D, Kleinman, N, Newburn R. 2022. Community seed groups: biological and especially social investigations can support crisis response capacity. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice. 7(1), p.16. DOI: cstp.406. Available free online at journal site, or PDF here.

Soleri D., Castillo Cisneros, M. del C., Aragón Cuevas, F., Cleveland D.A. 2022. El tejate: a través del tiempo y el espacio. In La comida oaxaqueña. De la época prehispánica a la actualidad. Arqueología Mexicana, núm. 173:42-49. EXCERPTAM 173 with complete article. English version

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland and S.E. Smith. 2019. Food Gardens for a Changing World. A resource for growing food for healthy people, communities and ecosystems. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CABI Publishing. ISBN: 9781789240993, description and endorsements, a blog post by the authors at CABI, an interview by R Hayden-Smith for the UC Food Observer.

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. 2017. Investigating farmers’ knowledge and practice regarding crop seeds: beware your assumptions! In Indigenous knowledge: Enhancing its Contribution to Natural Resources Management. P. Sillitoe, editor, pp. 158-173. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CABI Publishing. ISBN:9781780647050.

Soleri, D. 2017. Civic seeds: new institutions for seed systems and communities-a 2016 survey of California seed libraries. Agriculture and Human Values. Online September 2017. DOI 10.1007/s10460-017-9826-4. Article online here.

Soleri, D. 2017.  Let’s use the March for Science to make science better. Medium, Feb 15, 2017. POPULAR, NOT PEER REVIEWED

Soleri, D., Long, J., Ramirez-Andreotta, M., Eitemiller, R., and Pandya, R. 2016. Finding Pathways to More Equitable and Meaningful Public-Scientist Partnerships. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice. 1(1).DOI: http://dx.doi. org/10.5334/cstp.46. Article pdf.

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. 2014 Genetic resources: farmer conservation and crop management. In Encyclopedia of Natural Resources (ENR), Y.Q. Wang, editor-in-chief, pp. 56-62. New York: Taylor and Francis. DOI:10.1081/E-ENRL-12004921. ARTICLE ON LINE.

Soleri D. 2014. Agricultural Leadership for Yesterday's World. BioScience 64: 359-361. DOI:10.1093/biosci/biu027. Article pdf.

Soleri, D., Winter, M., Bozarth, S.R., and Hurst, W.J. 2013. Archaeological residues and recipes: Exploratory testing for evidence of maize and cacao beverages in postclassic vessels from the valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. Latin American Antiquity 24(3):345-362. Article pdf. (© 2013 by the Society for American Archaeology)

Soleri, D., Worthington, M., Aragon-Cuevas, F., Smith, S.E., and Gepts, P. 2013. Farmers' Varietal Identification in a Reference Sample of Local Phaseolus Species in the Sierra Juarez, Oaxaca, Mexico. Economic Botany 67(4):283-298. DOI: 10.1007/s12231-013-9248-1. Article pdf.

Worthington, M., Soleri, D., Aragón-Cuevas, F., and Gepts, P. 2012. Genetic composition and spatial distribution of farmer-managed Phaseolus bean plantings: an example from a village in Oaxaca, Mexico. Crop Science 52:1721–1735. DOI: 10.2135/cropsci2011.09.0518. Article pdf.

Sotelo, Angela, Daniela Soleri, Carmen Wacher, Argelia Sánchez-Chinchillas, and Rosa Maria Argote. 2012. Chemical and nutritional composition of tejate, a traditional maize and cacao beverage from the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 67 (2):148-155. doi:10.1007/s11130-012-0281-5. Article pdf. Electronic supplementary material pdf.

Koehmstedt, A.M., Aradhya, M.K., Soleri, D., Smith, J.L., and Polito, V.S. 2012. Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Structure of Some Historic Olive (Olea europaea L.) Germplasm in the United States Using Microsatellite Markers. Pages 159-168, in Aradhya, MK and Kluepfel, DA, eds. In International Symposium on Wild Relatives of Subtropical and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops.

Koehmstedt, A.M., Aradhya, M.K., Soleri, D., Smith, J.L., and Polito, V.S. 2010. Molecular characterization of genetic diversity, structure, and differentiation in the olive (Olea europaea L.) germplasm collection of the United States Department of Agriculture. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 58(4):519-531. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-010-9595-z. Article pdf.

Soleri, D., Koehmstedt, A., Aradhya, M.K., Polito, V., and Pinney, K. 2010. Comparing the historic olive trees (Olea europaea L.) of Santa Cruz Island with contemporaneous trees in the Santa Barbara, CA area: a case study of diversity and structure in an introduced agricultural species conserved in situ. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 57(7):973-984. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-010-9537-9. Article pdf

Soleri, D. and D.A. Cleveland. (2009) Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 1: Farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge and practice in variety choice and plant selection. In Plant Breeding and Farmer Participation, S. Ceccarelli, E.P. Guimarães and E. Weltzien, editors, pp. 323-366. Rome, Italy: FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization), in collaboration with ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas), Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic, and ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Patancheru, India. ISBN 978-92-5-106382-8. ARTICLE PDF (© 2009 FAO).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, F. Aragón Cuevas. (2008) Food globalization and local diversity: the case of tejate. Current Anthropology 49(2):281-290. ARTICLE PDF; Online text with SUPPLEMENTS (PDF version of SUPPLEMENTS); PRESS RELEASE (PDF version of PRESS RELEASE) (© 2008 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, G.E. Glasgow, S.H. Sweeney, F. Aragón Cuevas, H. Ríos Labrada, M.R. Fuentes Lopez. (2008) Testing assumptions underlying economic research on transgenic food crops for Third World farmers: evidence from Cuba, Guatemala and Mexico. Ecological Economics 67(4):667-682. ARTICLE PDF; SUPPLEMENT PDF (© 2008 Elsevier B.V.).

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2007) Extending Darwin’s analogy: bridging differences in concepts of selection between farmers, biologists, and plant breeders. Economic Botany 61(2):121-136. ARTICLE PDF (© 2007 The New York Botanical Garden Press).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (2007) Tejate: Theobroma cacao and T. bicolor in a traditional beverage from Oaxaca, Mexico. Food and Foodways 15(1-2):107-118. ARTICLE PDF (© 2007 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC).

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2007) Farmer knowledge and scientist knowledge in sustainable agricultural development: ontology, epistemology and praxis. In Local Science versus Global Science: Approaches To Indigenous Knowledge in International Development. Pp. 211-229. P. Sillitoe, editor. Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books. ARTICLE PDF (© 2007 Paul Sillitoe).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, F. Aragón Cuevas. (2006) Transgenic crops and crop varietal diversity: the case of maize in Mexico. BioScience 56(6):503-513. ABSTRACT; ARTICLE PDF (© 2006 American Institute of Biological Sciences). Response from Soleri and colleagues [to Ortiz-García et al. letter]. BioScience 56(9):709-710. LETTER PDF (© 2006 American Institute of Biological Sciences).

Lacy, S.M., D.A. Cleveland, D. Soleri. (2006) Farmer choice of sorghum varieties in southern Mali. Human Ecology 34(3):331-353. ARTICLE PDF (© 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (2006) Transgenic maize and Mexican maize diversity: Risky synergy? Agriculture and Human Values 23(1):27-31. ARTICLE PDF (© 2006 Springer).

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri, F. Aragón Cuevas, J. Crossa, P. Gepts (2005) Detecting (trans)gene flow to landraces in centers of crop origin: lessons from the case of maize in Mexico. Environmental Biosafety Research4(4):197-208. ABSTRACT (English/español); ARTICLE PDF (© 2006 ISBR, EDP Sciences).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, F. Aragón Cuevas, H. Ríos Labrada, M.R. Fuentes Lopez, S.H. Sweeney. (2005) Understanding the potential impact of transgenic crops in traditional agriculture: maize farmers' perspectives in Cuba, Guatemala & Mexico. Environmental Biosafety Research 4(3):141-166. ABSTRACT (English/español); ARTICLE PDF (© 2006 ISBR, EDP Sciences).

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2005) Debate over a GM rice trial in China. [In Letters] Science 310:231-232. ARTICLE PDF [Comment on Huang et al. 2005.] (© 2006 AAAS).

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2005) Rethinking the risk management process for genetically engineered crop varieties in small-scale, traditionally based agriculture. Ecology and Society 10(1): 9. [published online]. ABSTRACT; ARTICLE PDF (© 2005 the authors).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (2005) Scenarios as a tool for eliciting and understanding farmers' biological knowledge. Field Methods 17(3):283-301. ABSTRACT; ARTICLE AS PDF FILE (© 2005 Sage Publications).

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2004) Farmers' rights and GE crops. Anthropology News 45(4):7-8. ARTICLE HTM FILE (© 2004 American Anthropological Association).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (2004) Farmer selection and conservation of crop varieties. Encyclopedia of Plant & Crop Science. Pp. 433-438. R.M. Goodman, ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. ABSTRACT. ARTICLE PDF (© 2004 Marcel Dekker, Inc.).

Soleri D. 2004. Affairs with relatives, wild or not. Review of Dangerous Liaisons BioScience 54: 697-698.Article pdf.

Miranda S, Soleri D, Acosta R, Ríos H. 2003. CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LOS SISTEMAS LOCALES DE SEMILLAS DE FRIJOL Y MAÍZ DE LA PALMA, PINAR DEL RÍO. Cultivos Tropicales 24: 41-47. Article pdf.ffdg

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri, editors. (2002) Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice. Oxon, UK: CAB International. BOOK AT CABI; CHAPTER ABSTRACTS ON LINE.

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2002) Introduction: farmers, scientists and plant breeding:knowledge, practice,and the possibilities for collaboration, in Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice. Pp. 1-18. D.A. Cleveland and D. Soleri,eds. Oxon, UK: CAB International. ABSTRACT. ARTICLE PDF (© 2002 CAB International)

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, S.E. Smith, S. Ceccarelli, S. Grando, R.B. Rana, D. Rijal, H. Rios L. (2002) Understanding farmers' knowledge as the basis for collaboration with plant breeders: Methodological cevelopment and examples from ongoing research in Mexico, Syria, Cuba, and Nepal. In Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice. Pp. 19-60. D.A. Cleveland and D. Soleri, eds. Oxon, UK: CAB International. ABSTRACT.

Ríos Labrada, H., D. Soleri, D.A. Cleveland. (2002) Conceptual changes in Cuban plant breeding in response to a national socioeconomic crisis: The example of pumpkins. In Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding: Integrating Knowledge and Practice. Pp. 213-237. D.A. Cleveland and D. Soleri, eds. Oxon, UK: CAB International.

Soleri, D., and Smith, S.E. 2002. Rapid estimation of broad sense heritability of farmer-managed maize populations in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico, and implications for improvement. Euphytica 128:105-119. Article pdf.

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (2002) Indigenous and scientific knowledge of plant breeding: Similarities, differences, and implications for collaboration. In Participating in Development: Approaches to Indigenous Knowledge. ASA Monographs, Vol. 39. Pp. 206-234. P. Sillitoe, A. Bicker, and J. Pottier, editors. London: Routledge. ABSTRACT. ARTICLE PDF (© 2002 Association of Social Anthropologists & the authors).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (2001) Farmers' genetic perceptions regarding their crop populations: An example with maize in the central valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico. Economic Botany 55(1):106-128. ABSTRACT; ARTICLE PDF (© 2001 The New York Botanical Garden Press).

Cleveland, D.A., D.Soleri, S.E. Smith. (2000) A biological framework for understanding farmers' plant breeding. Economic Botany 54(3):377-394. ABSTRACT; ARTICLE PDF (© 2000 The New York Botanical Garden Press).

Soleri, D., S.E. Smith, D.A. Cleveland (2000) Evaluating the potential for farmer and plant breeder collaboration: A case study of farmer maize selection in Oaxaca, Mexico. Euphytica 116(1): 41-57. ARTICLE PDF (© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers).

Soleri, D., and Smith, S.E. 1999. Conserving folk crop varieties: different agricultures, different goals. Pages 133-154, in Nazarea, VD, ed. Ethnoecology: situated knowledge, located lives. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press. Chapter pdf.

Cleveland, D.A., D.Soleri, S.E. Smith. (1999) Farmer Plant Breeding from a Biological Perspective: Implications for Collaborative Plant Breeding. CIMMYT Economics Working Paper 99-10. v, 32 pp. Mexico, D.F.: CIMMYT. PAPER PDF.

Smith, S.E., Kuehl, R.O., Ray, I.M., Hui, R., and Soleri, D. 1998. Evaluation of simple methods for estimating broad-sense heritability in stands of randomly planted genotypes. Crop Science 38:1125-1129. Article pdf.

Smale, M., D. Soleri, D.A. Cleveland, D. Louette, E.B. Rice, J.-L. Blanco, A. Aguirre. (1998) Collaborative plant breeding as an incentive for on-farm conservation of genetic resources: Economic issues from studies in Mexico, In Farmers, Gene Banks, and Crop Breeding: Economic Analyses of Diversity in Wheat, Maize, and Rice. M. Smale, editor. Pp. 239-257. Boston, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ABSTRACT. ARTICLE PDF (© 1998 by Kluwer Academic Publishers).

Soleri, D., and Smith, S.E. 1995. Morphological and phenological comparisons of two Hopi maize varieties conserved in situ and ex situ. Economic Botany 49:56-77. Article pdf.

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri, S.E. Smith. (1994) Do folk crop varieties have a role in sustainable agriculture? BioScience 44:740-751. ABSTRACT. ARTICLE PDF (© 1994 American Institute of Biological Sciences).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, with D.Eriacho, F. Bowannie Jr., A. Laahty, and the Zuni Communit.y (1994) Gifts from the Creator: Intellectual property rights and folk crop varieties. In Intellectual Property Rights for Indigenous Peoples, A Sourcebook. T. Greaves, editor. Pp. 21-40. Oklahoma City, OK: Society for Applied Anthropology. ABSTRACT. ARTICLE PDF (© 1994 Society for Applied Anthropology).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (1993) Hopi crop diversity and change. Journal of Ethnobiology 13:203-231. ABSTRACT. ARTICLE PDF 1993 Society for Ethnobiology).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland. (1993) Seeds of strength for Hopis and Zunis. Seedling [Barcelona, Spain: GRAIN] 10(4):13-21. ARTICLE PDF. (© the authors)ffdg.jpeg

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (1991) Food from Dryland Gardens: An Ecological, Nutritional,and Social Approach to Small-ScaleHousehold Food Production. xiii, 387 pp. Tucson, AZ: Center for People, Food and Environment (with support from the United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF]). ISBN:978-0962799709. A Choice Outstanding Academic Book, 1992. ABSTRACT and CONTENTS. *Electronic version published on line in Food and Nutrition Library 2.2. *Republished 2002 in CD-ROM format. Reviews are here.

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland, T.R. Frankenberger.  (1991)  Gardens and Vitamin A: A Review of Recent Literature. Report No. IN-2, 32 pp. Arlington, Virginia: Vitamin A Field Support Project, International Science and Technology Institute. REPORT PDF.

Soleri, D. 1989. Hopi gardens. Arid Lands Newsletter 29:11-14. Article pdf.

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland.  (1989)  Dryland household gardens in development. Arid Lands Newsletter [University of Arizona] No. 29:4-10. ARTICLE PDF (© the authors and ALNL, U. of Arizona).

Soleri, D., D.A. Cleveland (1988) Managing water in arid gardens: Simple, efficient, economical methods. Fine Gardening, No. 4:14-18. ARTICLE PDF 1988 the authors).

Cleveland, D.A., D. Soleri. (1987) Household gardens as a development strategy. Human Organization 46:259-270. ABSTRACT. ARTICLE PDF (© 1987 Society for Applied Anthropology).